Phone Holder First Attempt

 Today was the first clear day since getting an eyepiece phone holder for taking pictures. Took some quick shots and videos of the sun. 

I started imaging using only a single stack of my Hydrogen Alpha filters to get a brighter image. It was a bit fiddly to get the phone lined up with the holder at the start, but it was rock steady and was easy to use afterward. It was so much easier to take the pictures as I was free to manually adjust the camera settings and focus while keeping the phone pointed into the eyepiece. I used my phone's headset as a remote shutter button to stop the mount and scope wobbling after hitting the shutter button. I mounted the phone to my new zoom eyepiece to give myself some control over the size of the Sun I was I trying to capture. This image here is one of the first ones I took after getting the image centred and focus close. Focusing was difficult. I am happy with the results; the pictures turned out much better than when I was holding the phone. This image above even managed to capture a plage on the surface of the Sun.

I zoomed in on some features along the edge of the sun. I tried using the zoom eyepiece at first, but it changed focus, so I used the phone's camera to digitally zoom instead.

After taking some video and images using the PST single stack, I put on the second filter and got some nice deep red images that highlight some of the surface features better, like this large prominence shown below.

Here is a video I made using the phone in single stack:


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